Abstract and Symbolism

Paintings of famous Russian and Georgian artist Omar Chkhaidze in New York

Icosahedron Gallerie & Omar Chkhaidze invites to New York exhibition of Abstract and Symbolism paintings of Omar Chkhaidze. It will be from November, 1 till 28. Omar Chkhaidze is famous Russian and Georgian artist. Now he lives and works in Moscow, Russia.
Paintings by Omar Chkhaidze are in Russian and Georgian museums and some his masterpieces are in Vatican’s collections. On this exhibition artist will show new collection of paintings, which were created in new abstract style. Also master shows his old paintings from his Symbolism collection.
"...Our world has strongly changed during last years. And my attitude has strongly changed too. I have expressed my new feelings in my new paintings. I need to know that spectators will tell about it" - spoke artist in his last interview.
Some art critics classify Omar Chkhaidze's creative manner as symbolism or associative-metaphorical style, others specify his style as classical avant-gardism. But all agree that the master has created the individual unique style, and the unique painting technique. The artist's works represent the new word in painting, the art of the new era, the art of the Future. Omar Chkhaidze is a master whose world outlook has absorbed the wisdom of the East and the West. His works do not confine themselves to time and space frameworks - they have a really cosmic scale. The artist is positive that it is Love that lies in the foundation of the Universe. Only Love can create things, only by means of Love and in the name of Love one can do wonders. This idea goes through all the works of the maestro. The refined feel have the line and spatial depth, together with absolute pictorial freedom, help reflect both the inner and external beauty of the world. Harmonic combination of intellectual potential and high spirituality level offers Omar Chkhaidze a unique opportunity to pass through himself everything initiated from above, and expresses this in his paintings. His every work, like a drop of water, reflects the Universe.Omar Chkhaidze is a mouthpiece of the new spiritual paradigm of the third millennium. Having discovered for yourself the world of this amazing artist you will be able to sense the joy of life filled with Love and Harmony, to touch the Eternity.

Bio of artist Omar Chkhaidze
Omar Chkhaidze was born on January 1st, 1945 in Georgia. He graduated from the Arts School in 1966, then from the Academy of Arts in Tbilisi in 1973. As a student, Omar participated in numerous art exhibitions held in Georgia and Russia. Later he participated in international shows. In Russia his creative activity is marked as the Distinguished Artist. Omar Chkhaidze is a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, the Union of Artists of Georgia, the International Federation of Artists UNESCO, the National Artists' Union of Russia. He is the winner of several international shows held in 1999-2002. The artist has his personal catalogue "100 Paintings by Omar Chkhaidze". His paintings are also in the catalogue "The Best Artists of Russia of the Millennium's Boundary". The artist runs his own picture gallery in Moscow, Russia, located in the Central Artists House.

November 1 - 28, 2007
Location: Icosahedron Gallerie, Manhattan, 27 North Moore St. - New York, NY, USA
web. www.icosahedron.com
tel. (212) 966-3897


...The New Spiritual Paradigm. The coming of every new era requiresits spiritual

New Spiritual Paradigm

The New Spiritual Paradigm. The coming of every new era requires its spiritual mouthpieces. Today, on the brink of two millenniums, witnessing the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, the Earth planet is being influenced by the new energy giving a tremendous impact towards the change of human consciousness, the change of scientific and spiritual paradigms. Fulfilling their predestination, the spiritual leaders of the planet - writers, composers, artists - persons deriving information from above, are carrying it to the people by means of their works of art. That is the way it has always been. Among such channels were Leonardo da Vinci, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and others. Today Omar Chkaidze is such a channel. After the year of 2000 Omar's painting manner and style critically changed. He is breaking away from his attachment to the object, shape, which helps him to freely carry the vision of the Universe's spiritual world. He has always said: "The time will come and I will have my word". And this time has come. His paintings may seem to somebody as some meaningless strokes of the paintbrush on a bright background. While for the dedicated - these are the letters from Home, full of sacred sense, carrying on recovery, enlightenment and love.


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